nice to meet you! I'm Harley, (Yes, like the motorcycle) the author of this website. I'm an Aquarius, a Vermont resident, and novice programmer. In my spare time I can be found reading, raising chickens, LARPing and acting as a Dungeon Master (yes, I'm one of those nerds), and love anything dark, weird, or fantastical. Here's a compliation list of some of my favorite things... hot mugs of tea, patchouli, arguing with my friends over pointless things until we're laughing so hard we can't breathe, my medlar tree (lovingingly nicknamed Stevie Nicks), tarot readings, X-Files marathons, the smell of brass and cold metal, local jazz bands, goth clubs, caged birds, sunrises, poetry, Tolkien, crying (its theraputic!), fingerless gloves.

Here's a picture of me, if you're interested.
favorite book: the God of Small Things.
favorite song: How Soon is Now? by the Smiths.
favorite food: eel sushi.
favorite movie: Labyrinth.

here's a picture of the girls.